Community Based Conflict Mitigation trials

Results of field tests of chilli as an elephant deterrent

Connected Conservation resources

Africa Food Security & Agriculture

Predicting the Likelihood of Human-elephant Conflict and Assessing Elephant Habitat

resources from our partners

Human Wildlife conflict mitigation measures

It is widely recognized that humans have profoundly affected wildlife

resources from our partners

A manual for reducing and mitigating human-aquatic animals conflict

Crocodile attacks on people are opportunistic. They can attack even

resources from our partners

A manual for reducing and mitigating human-bird conflict

The KAZA TFCA supports more than 600 bird species with

resources from our partners

A manual for reducing and mitigating human-insect conflict

Insects are essential for the proper functioning of all ecosystems

resources from our partners

A manual for reducing and mitigating human-primate conflict

The recent rapid escalation of human-wildlife conflict involving primates reflects

resources from our partners

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