The costs and benefits of elephants

Community-based conservation programmes are rarely objectively assessed, particularly at the

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Community Based Conflict Mitigation trials

Results of field tests of chilli as an elephant deterrent

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Investigating the potential of chilli Capsicum annum

Investigating the potential of chilli Capsicum annum

Investigating the potential for chilli Capsicum annum to reduce human-wildlife

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Can bees deter elephants

Can bees deter elephants from raiding crops? An experiment in

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The concept of home range

The concept of home range in relation to elephants to

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Seasonal variation of feeding patterns

Seasonal variation of feeding patterns and food selection by crop-raiding

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Integrated approach for reducing the conflict

Towards an integrated approach for reducing the conflict between elephants

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Linking two elephant refuges

Linking two elephant refuges with a corridor in the communal

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